Written By Dj Surendeng on Saturday, November 20, 2010 | 2:39 PM

I said to my friend, “You see her leaning upon the arm of that man. It was but yesterday that she leaned thus upon my arm.”  And my friend said, “And tomorrow she will lean upon mine.”

I said, “Behold her sitting close at his side. It was but yesterday she sat close beside me.” And he answered, “Tomorrow she will sit beside me.”

I said, “See, she drinks wine from his cup, and yesterday she drank from mine.”  And he said, “Tomorrow, from my cup.”

Then I said, “See how she gazes at him with love, and with yielding eyes. Yesterday she gazed thus upon me.”  And my friend said, “It will be upon me she gazes tomorrow.”

I said, “Do you not hear her now murmuring songs of love into his ears? Those very songs of love she murmured but yesterday into my ears.”  And my friend said, “And tomorrow she will murmur them in mine.”

I said, “Why see, she is embracing him. It was but yesterday that she embraced me.” And my friend said, “She will embrace me tomorrow.”

Then I said, “What a strange woman.” But he answered, “She is like unto life, possessed by all men; and like death, she conquers all men; and like eternity, she enfolds all men.”